21 posts tagged with "team-driven development"

Culture Before Process

June 27, 2024
Bad process is everywhere. The best way to improve it is being focusing on your culture.

Too Many Guides

April 14, 2024
There are many guides, but no path

What Kind of Car Are You Driving?

February 10, 2024
The car you drive affects the route you take. The same thing happens in software.

Collaboration and Cooperation on Software Teams

November 19, 2023
Not all teamwork is the same, but it can all be effective. Knowing which teamwork mode your team operates is vital to becoming a great teammate.

Getting Stuff Done on a Software Team

September 24, 2023
Instead of starting things, let's focus on finishing them.

A Case For Being a Humble Engineer

August 14, 2023
In an industry that talks about "brag sheets" and highlights personal accomplishment, is there any room for humility? I think so.

What's the Point of Blameless Postmortems?

May 08, 2023
The way we respond to incidents says a lot about our culture. Are are we learning from our mistakes and accidents or creating a culture of fear?

Pair Reviewing

February 15, 2023
Pair programming is a fantastic tool to improve code and share knowledge. Pair reviewing can be just as beneficial and I think you should give it a try.

What's the Point to Observability Anyway

October 17, 2022
Observability is more than metrics and cool dashboards. It is a fundamental shift in how you write software.

How to Get Software Documentation Right

January 17, 2022
What to write down, what to generate, and coming to terms that documentation is always out of date.

My Top Takeaways from Team Topologies

December 13, 2021
The most important things I learned from the popular book and how I'm trying to apply them.

Let's Talk About Trust

August 10, 2021
Trust is really important, but often illusive. How do we build it on our teams to help oursleves build great software?

Surviving Your First Code Review

December 12, 2020
It can be difficult when you submit your first pull request and your first code review feedback is, well, overwhelming. How do you find the right way to address the feedback but also not just cater to every whim of your reviewer?

How to Give Feedback

November 24, 2020
Feedback is hard. Here are some tips to help you give feedback well.

What's the Point of Pull Requests Anyway?

August 28, 2020
Why pull requests are one of the best tools in modern software.

On Sustainable Software Development

July 11, 2020
β€œHero” programming only lasts so long.

How to Introduce Kaizen to Your Team

June 06, 2020
Convincing your team to embrace continuous improvement.

You Need a Code Review Checklist

January 10, 2020
Level-up your code review practice by using one of the best tools for ensuring quality: the humble checklist